Student activities grade 7 - 9
Here, you can find a selection of our student activities for free download. Educators can get more information about how to use these activities in the "Teacher's Guide" - in danish "Lærervejledning". All of our materials are currently in Danish, but a quick skim through Google Translate will give you all the information you need to get started!
Here you can download our latest activity. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the activities has been adapted to the Corona restrictions. We must avoid mixing students from the different classes and the course therefore ends with a "Video project" on the last day. This video project can be uploaded on the schools closed video channel and we thus avoid mixing the classes. The activity consists of a Teacher's Guide in pdf format and a Student booklet in pdf format. We thank Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary's Foundation for their support in preparing the teaching course.
Learning objectives: That the students acquire professional knowledge about ‘Greenland, the Faroe Islands and the Arctic’, and that the students in groups develop, realize a video project for the 3rd and 4th graders on the ‘presentation day´. Learning objectives have been formulated in connection with all the subjects.
The material is based on 9 modules in the following subjects:
• Geography
• Social studies
• Food knowledge
• Danish
• History
• Science: Biology and physics / chemistry
• Mathematics and physics / chemistry: Sea level changes
• Mathematics: Ice currents
• Mathematics and science: Ocean currents
Title: POLARSKOLEN - An innovative teaching course (Corona version)
Authors: Developed in collaboration with GEUS - The National Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland: Signe Hillerup Larsen and Nanna B. Karlsson
Authors: Sigurd Klausholt Larsen, Oliver Wibroe, Brendan Lou Mochia, Ditte Aiaaia Frostholm, Lærke Ina Kroggard, Kaare Øster and Gregers Gjersøe
Language: Danish
Publisher: Polarskolen
Release year: 2020
Scope: As a pdf with links. Teacher's Guide (68 pages) and Student Booklet (36 pages)
Target group: 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade. Possibly. 10th grade 13 years, 14 years, 15 years and 16 years
Academic level: Primary school level
Form and genre: Teaching materials
Collaborating partner: Developed with support from Crown Prince Frederik's and Crown Princess Mary's Foundation
Learning objectives: That the students acquire professional knowledge about ‘Greenland, the Faroe Islands and the Arctic’, and that the students in groups develop, realize a video project for the 3rd and 4th graders on the ‘presentation day´. Learning objectives have been formulated in connection with all the subjects.
The material is based on 9 modules in the following subjects:
• Geography
• Social studies
• Food knowledge
• Danish
• History
• Science: Biology and physics / chemistry
• Mathematics and physics / chemistry: Sea level changes
• Mathematics: Ice currents
• Mathematics and science: Ocean currents
Title: POLARSKOLEN - An innovative teaching course (Corona version)
Authors: Developed in collaboration with GEUS - The National Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland: Signe Hillerup Larsen and Nanna B. Karlsson
Authors: Sigurd Klausholt Larsen, Oliver Wibroe, Brendan Lou Mochia, Ditte Aiaaia Frostholm, Lærke Ina Kroggard, Kaare Øster and Gregers Gjersøe
Language: Danish
Publisher: Polarskolen
Release year: 2020
Scope: As a pdf with links. Teacher's Guide (68 pages) and Student Booklet (36 pages)
Target group: 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade. Possibly. 10th grade 13 years, 14 years, 15 years and 16 years
Academic level: Primary school level
Form and genre: Teaching materials
Collaborating partner: Developed with support from Crown Prince Frederik's and Crown Princess Mary's Foundation
Learning objectives: The students should acquire knowledge about 'Greenland, the Faroe islands and the Arctic'. The students shall develop a product for the 'visit day'. Learning objectives have been formulated in connection with all the subjects. The material is based on the following subjects: Geography, social studies, food science, danish and history.
Title: POLARSKOLEN - A innovative teaching activity
Authors: Sigurd Larsen, Brendon Mochia, Oliver Wibroe & Ditte Frostholm
Language: Danish
Publisher: Polarskolen
Release year: 2016
Form: 63 pages, as pdf with links
Target group: Primary schools, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, 10th grade - 13 -16 years
Academic level: Primary school level
Form and genre: Teaching activities
Partners: Developed by the authors in collaboration with Gregers Gjersøe at Polarskolen
Title: POLARSKOLEN - A innovative teaching activity
Authors: Sigurd Larsen, Brendon Mochia, Oliver Wibroe & Ditte Frostholm
Language: Danish
Publisher: Polarskolen
Release year: 2016
Form: 63 pages, as pdf with links
Target group: Primary schools, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, 10th grade - 13 -16 years
Academic level: Primary school level
Form and genre: Teaching activities
Partners: Developed by the authors in collaboration with Gregers Gjersøe at Polarskolen
Teaching activities: These activities from 2014 deals with: Greenland's nature, geology, wildlife, economics, social conditions, challenges and raw material extraction. It also deals with issues of territories between the countries in the Arctic, the continental shelf project, the Arctic Council and other political themes.
Topics: Climate change, natural resources, economic conditions, foreign policy, international politics, Denmark, Greenland, the Arctic, the North Pole and the Arctic Ocean.
Title: The expedition Denmark and Greenland in the new Arctic
Authors: Sarah Kıroğlu and Gregers Gjersøe
Language: Danish
Publisher: Polarskolen
Release year: 2014
Scope: 80 pages as pdf, illustrated in color. 110 photos and 20 maps
Target group: For Folkeskolen, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, 10th grade. 13 years, 14 years, 15 years and 16 years
Academic level: Primary school level
Form and genre: Teaching materials
Partners: The material has been published with support from the Ministry of Education's distribution funds (Previous tips and lottery funds)
Topics: Climate change, natural resources, economic conditions, foreign policy, international politics, Denmark, Greenland, the Arctic, the North Pole and the Arctic Ocean.
Title: The expedition Denmark and Greenland in the new Arctic
Authors: Sarah Kıroğlu and Gregers Gjersøe
Language: Danish
Publisher: Polarskolen
Release year: 2014
Scope: 80 pages as pdf, illustrated in color. 110 photos and 20 maps
Target group: For Folkeskolen, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, 10th grade. 13 years, 14 years, 15 years and 16 years
Academic level: Primary school level
Form and genre: Teaching materials
Partners: The material has been published with support from the Ministry of Education's distribution funds (Previous tips and lottery funds)